

Mythbusitng 101 – Older People Are Not Grouchy

One of the most pervasive yet incorrect and unfair myths about aging adults is that they are unhappy, grumpy folks.  A study of Disney characters found that 25% of the older characters were angry, grumpy or stern.  This myth isn’t just being perpetuated through Disney films, rather the stereotype is so accepted as fact that movies such as “Grumpy Old Men”, “Gran Torino” and “City Slickers” to name a few each portray the main characters as angry elderly men with few redeeming qualities. Based upon our collective experiences, we at Maplewood Village Assisted Living Facility collectively state that this stereotype is pure hogwash.   We find that actually the opposite to be true.   Multiple studies have shown that happiness generally begins to increase after 50 and one recent study published in the Journal of Economic Behavior concluded that people are generally their happiest after they reach retirement age.  Another study shows [...]

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